S Harry Potter Comics

Planescape Survival Guide
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SPOILER: I skimmed the first couple pages of Rowling's new Harry Potter script thing at the supermarket today. Albus in Slytherin, Rosie (Rose) a confident, Quidditch playing phenom who gets sorted into Gryffindor and Scorpius may or may not be the son of Voldemort thanks to time turner shenanigans. Yeah... we need to have a talk with J.K. about this weird fanfic she's written... ;-)

So! After this chapter, we'd like to take a somewhat longer break than usual (a month, we're thinking) for a general recharging of the batteries and such-like. To avoid going dead or on hiatus, we'd like to put up some guest comics during the break. Any format is good, be they Lego as well or drawn comics. Please send any to my e-mail address at travers@swiftbow.com! If there are enough submissions, we might come up with some sort of contest for the best comic. Thanks everybody!

Copyright © 2009-2016 by Travers & Rioux Jordan

Harry Potter and related characters are the intellectual property of J.K. Rowling. This comic is in no way authorized. All images are the creation of the author except where otherwise credited. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.