Well, last comic of 2009! Whoa. Happy New Year, everybody!
Oh yeah... we have a lot of dragons. Three of them are actually Megablocks... but they're still good dragons! We're rather proud of "Elbert" here... he's a blend of the Armored Dragon from
a Knight set (as I recall, we got that dragon separately through BrickLink) and a modified Viking dragon. The Viking dragons have a LOT more flexibility, but the Knights dragons have
better heads. But they're not immediately interchangeable. Took some piecing together to make it work! (Notice what's actually a small LEGO car axle built into the top of his neck)
(There's also four of the orginal LEGO dragons in the background. Two greens and two blacks. I still remember when those first dragonmaster sets came out, and I was like "whoa.
Dragons." And those could barely move, lol)
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