S Harry Potter Comics

Planescape Survival Guide
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Somewhat funny making-of story... the older Rosie is in this group and she's got that big gun we introduced in the zombie-wolf arc. I wanted to have her holding it before I showed her onscreen, because it's a big gun and isn't the kind of thing that one conceals (realistically) in one's pocket. Plus, we can have her examine it or check it for problems while talking to keep the panel layouts interesting. But, problem was, I couldn't figure out what the heck I did with it. Her mini-figure wasn't holding it and it wasn't in our accessory drawer or any of the mini-figure boxes. We were pretty close to having to make another one when I ended up going through the recent archives to make sure I hadn't used the same joke again (regarding Medria's apparent age) when I noticed Rosie holding said gun while in the Headmaster's Office. Sure enough, it was in there, ensconced safely in the wand bucket.

There are a surprisingly large number of places little pieces can hide in our Lego collection.

Copyright © 2009-2017 by Travers & Rioux Jordan

Harry Potter and related characters are the intellectual property of J.K. Rowling. This comic is in no way authorized. All images are the creation of the author except where otherwise credited. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.