For those unfamiliar, the Second Law of Thermodynamics. I'm not sure it's in that article, but I've always found it interesting that there's only one thing that we've discovered that can affect the standard rates entropy, and that's life. By imposing
order on chaos, we can undo natural damage. Animals engage in this as well, even plants (by preventing erosion for one). At our current tech levels, we're actually capable of replacing eroding mountains.
In Cripple Creek, about an hour from my house, they're actually moving an entire mountain about a mile to the side so they can mine it out for the gold and silver. When they're done, per regulation, they have to put it back where they found it, which seems kind of odd (I mean, it's still a mountain in the new spot, too), but fascinating.
It makes one wonder... will our technology ever evolve to the point where we can reverse the entropy of the sun? Or the heat death of the universe? Could what we call God(s) be being(s) that evolved until they could manage similar feats? I've never seen that discussed anywhere online... (usually scientific/theological discussions devolve into head
butting and name calling from both sides) but I personally find it a very interesting topic.
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