I keep forgetting to mention... we (Travers/Swiftbow and Danielle) went to see Fantastic Beasts. It was... eh. Some cool parts, but it seemed really dark (like Batman movie dark. That may have been that theater, not sure.), and the plot was kind of unfocused. The Newt Scamander actor was a real mumbler, too... half his lines had us just shrugging at trying to
figure out what he said. I briefly thought it might be his accent, but I rarely had issues with any of the actors in the first eight movies. Oh yeah, and the ending... urgh. There was a muggle main character who was pretty awesome, though. And I
think he showed signs of a minor resistance to memory charms. So, in comic-canon, he's early evolution of that genetic resistance! But yeah, nothing so crazy it has to be declared non-canon, I don't think, but I'm really starting to wonder if Rowling's forgotten what made the series work in the first place.
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