Planescape Survival Guide
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I'm hoping you can at least see the big headline well enough in the last panel, but here's the big image anyway!

Astute readers will no doubt recall that the last time we saw Harry, he was, um, talking to Percy on the phone. It would seem that the bespectacled Weasly wasn't TOO miffed about being left on hold.
This was the record for longest period of time in the comic WITHOUT Harry in it, though! (61 episodes!)

Lastly... I changed the name of the current Chapter (5) in the Archives. I think it's more clever now, lol. (It used to be "Small Town Sheriffs.")

Copyright © 2009-2014 by Travers & Rioux Jordan

Harry Potter and related characters are the intellectual property of J.K. Rowling. This comic is in no way authorized. All images are the creation of the author except where otherwise credited. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.