Planescape Survival Guide
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So, last panel... that's Hagrid with the giant Lego phone. A little hard to tell, given the angle, but it's also hard for the Hagrid figure to hold that phone convincingly, lol. If only they'd made a slightly more articulate Hagrid. A man can dream...
Panel 1... That's Roxanne Weasley in her first appearance. George and Angelina Johnson's daughter!

Sorry this was posted rather late! I fell asleep while working on it last night. I blame the busy day yesterday, as punctuated by the moth that flew up my ear while walking to the car. Apparently bugs can't turn themselves around or walk backwards once they're in your ear canal, either. So... $210 at Emergicare later, at least I don't have a moth trying to flap his way into my brain. (That would have REALLY impacted the update schedule ;) )

Copyright © 2009-2013 by Travers & Rioux Jordan

Harry Potter and related characters are the intellectual property of J.K. Rowling. This comic is in no way authorized. All images are the creation of the author except where otherwise credited. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.