Planescape Survival Guide
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Today is my and Danielle's Fourth Anniversary!

Comments from the tagboard:
10/03/19 09:10 PM
Swiftbow: Well, I had our update day wrong. But on top of that... endings are tricky! We ended up scrubbing our draft on this one. And given hectic schedules, we have to delay again. Sorry! Definitely for sure on Sunday.
10/03/19 12:58 PM
BrickVoid: Okay, so where is the episode now? :D
09/29/19 10:43 PM
Swiftbow: Hey, so... we weren't able to make an episode this weekend. (Danielle and I were out of town for our Anniversary.) We'll be back Wednesday!
09/28/19 02:45 PM
Freezer: @Swiftbow: She's from Fullmetal Alchemist (the manga and the first anime). To give details is to spoil one of anime's biggest tear jerkers. But search her name on YouTube and you'll see.
09/28/19 02:08 PM
Classic Steve: Mazel tov, spouses.
09/27/19 10:33 PM
Swiftbow: Who's that?
09/27/19 03:06 PM
Freezer: Dammit... It's Elicia Hughes all over again...

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