It's a fair question for Harry at this point!
Comments from the tagboard:
09/09/19 01:28 AM Swiftbow: Gonna be a day late with this one... check back tomorrow for the episode!
09/07/19 01:56 AM Swiftbow: In panel 3, Harry speaks first, then Ahmad, then Shadi, then Harry, then Bart, then Harry. I don't make you bounce up and down to read a panel like some comics do. If you've read any of the episodes like that, then you've been reading out of order.
09/07/19 01:54 AM Swiftbow: What? No, we always go left to right first, then up and down. Bubble breaks are just paragraphs for easier reading. If another speaker is in between, then I put a new bubble or a long connector.
09/06/19 11:55 PM BrickVoid: This is in the lower 3 connected word balloons, not the one in the top left, which is responding to the word balloon in panel 2.
09/06/19 11:52 PM BrickVoid: It's a bit confusing to follow but harry is actually responding firstly to the third word balloon across, in panel 3, and then to the second word balloon. It's not too hard to follow but the sentences make more sense if interpreted in this order.
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